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Author Topic: Game Show "Celebrity Player" Veterans  (Read 11455 times)


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Game Show "Celebrity Player" Veterans
« on: October 12, 2004, 10:32:01 PM »
Watching Balderdash this week, it is fun watching Charo's return to Game Show Land again as a celebrity -- despite Charo's "maracas" nowadays being young enough to be her twin granddaughters!

Besides Charo (koochie koochie), what other game show celebs would fit the following qualifications to become a true "Game Show Celebrity Veteran":

•  Must have appeared in AT LEAST 5 different game shows as a celebrity -- no incarnations, please.

•  Must have been seen on a game show as a celeb in AT LEAST 3 different decades --  i.e. 50's, 60's, 70's, etc... (this is the stickler).


Tim K.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 10:33:26 PM by TimK2003 »


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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2004, 10:47:03 PM »
I do believe Betty White fits that bill. She appeared on a number of game shows.

Here are just a few:
Password(all different versions)
Match Game(70's-80's, 90's)
Body Language

I'm sure there are others as well. BTW, would Betty's appearances on Price is Right count for this? I know she's on it regardless, but I was just wondering.


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« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2004, 10:51:43 PM »
Nipsey Russell.


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« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2004, 11:28:38 PM »
[quote name=\'TimK2003\' date=\'Oct 12 2004, 09:32 PM\']Watching Balderdash this week, it is fun watching Charo's return to Game Show Land again as a celebrity -- despite Charo's "maracas" nowadays being young enough to be her twin granddaughters!

Besides Charo (koochie koochie), what other game show celebs would fit the following qualifications to become a true "Game Show Celebrity Veteran":

•  Must have appeared in AT LEAST 5 different game shows as a celebrity -- no incarnations, please.

•  Must have been seen on a game show as a celeb in AT LEAST 3 different decades --  i.e. 50's, 60's, 70's, etc... (this is the stickler).


Tim K.
Good question.  And I have a good answer.  Jamie Farr.

GONG (70s)
H2 (2003)
$100,000 PYRAMID (80s)
and if you don't want to count GONG as a game show (as some may not), he did TATTLETALES in 1975

And I'm sure I could scrounge up more.  :)

« Last Edit: October 12, 2004, 11:31:21 PM by SRIV94 »
"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2004, 11:29:52 PM »
He also was a frequent guest on the short lived Wordplay. He hosted once also when Tom was ill.


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« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2004, 11:54:19 PM »
There was a guy named Alejandro Ray who was apparently an actor of some kind...but all I ever saw him on were a number of game shows in the 60's and 70's (as GSN reruns, mind):

He Said, She Said
What's My Line (Syndie version)
Match Game '7x
Tattletales (unless this counts as a version of He Said, She Said)
To Tell the Truth(I think)

It's a well-known fact that Lincoln loved mayonnaise!


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« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2004, 12:21:50 AM »
[quote name=\'SamJ93\' date=\'Oct 12 2004, 08:54 PM\']There was a guy named Alejandro Ray who was apparently an actor of some kind...but all I ever saw him on were a number of game shows in the 60's and 70's (as GSN reruns, mind):
Alejandro Rey: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0721031/
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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Don Howard

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« Reply #7 on: October 13, 2004, 05:32:46 AM »
[quote name=\'SamJ93\' date=\'Oct 12 2004, 10:54 PM\']There was a guy named Alejandro Ray who was apparently an actor of some kind...
You've never seen The Flying Nun? Oh, the horror.
I'm certain Bill Cullen qualifies. And no doubt Jan Murray does, too.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2004, 05:33:38 AM by Don Howard »


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« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2004, 08:13:53 AM »
Don H. wrote:

You've never seen The Flying Nun? Oh, the horror.
I'm certain Bill Cullen qualifies. And no doubt Jan Murray does, too.

Zach replies:

Have Arlene and Kitty done at least five shows(counting WML for Arlene and TTTT for Kitty)

Orson Bean(Tattletales, TTTT, MG7x, Super Password, and I'm sure at least one other) and TOm Poston(Squares, Battlestars, Super Password, $25K Pyramid, TTTT, and possible others) and Soupy Sales(Pyramid, Narz/Wood BtC, Pictionary, Blackout, TTTT) count among TTTT regs.

Several GS hosts besides Cullen would probably qualify, no?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2004, 08:14:31 AM by zachhoran »

Ian Wallis

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« Reply #9 on: October 13, 2004, 09:04:35 AM »
Dick Gautier.  He did "Match Game", "Tattletales", "Password Plus", "Super Password", and I'm pretty sure was a guest on Gene Wood's "Beat the Clock".
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« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2004, 09:13:02 AM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Oct 13 2004, 08:04 AM\']Dick Gautier.  He did "Match Game", "Tattletales", "Password Plus", "Super Password", and I'm pretty sure was a guest on Gene Wood's "Beat the Clock".

Add to that Liar's Club and WLOD.


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« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2004, 09:28:30 AM »
Bob Barker would fit on this list also. He was on the 70's Match Game many times, Davidson and later made Bergeron Hollywood Squares(in a cameo role), Break the Bank with Jack Barry, the early 70's I've got a Secret with Steve Allen, Family Feud with Ray Combs, and Tattletales with Bert Convy.


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« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2004, 10:14:35 AM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Oct 13 2004, 08:04 AM\']Dick Gautier.  He did "Match Game", "Tattletales", "Password Plus", "Super Password", and I'm pretty sure was a guest on Gene Wood's "Beat the Clock".
But those shows only spanned two decades, if Wood was the host of BTC when Gautier made his appearance, and even if Narz was hosting Gautier would've had to appear in the first four months for it to count as a 60s appearance.  I don't recall him having been on MG9x either

And I would count P+ and SP as one show with two incarnations (the OP wanted at least five different shows with no incarnations).  Of course, Zach did add WLoD and LIAR'S CLUB (and again, unless Gautier did the 1969 version we're still talking about two decades).

Not to say that Gautier doesn't qualify, we just need find a show not from the 70s or 80s that he appeared on to satisfy the qualification brought up from Tim.

"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2004, 10:50:11 AM »
In the meantime, I found one other that does qualify--Vicki Lawrence.  She did:


among others.

"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)

Jimmy Owen

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« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2004, 10:52:51 AM »
How about Big Bill Shatner? From Daly WML? in '65 to Weakest Link in this decade.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.